Thursday, April 17, 2008


came across an article from Twins fans' webbie this is an interview with Charlene Choi which she comments about her partner Gillian Chung the 1 whose involve in the scandal news::

"阿Sa稱阿嬌是個很單純、很天真的女孩,很容易就相信別人。以前她常會告訴阿嬌,覺得這個不是好人,不要人人都信。發生這件事,她真是很心痛。阿Sa還 說:「很多人覺得我樂觀,其實阿嬌比我更樂觀,她是一個比較開心的人,她開心因為她的想法比較簡單,但我會想很多,鑽牛角尖。」"

which reminds me of "someone" hehehee hope the person know who im refering to (^^)


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